Creating a new modelMizer allows the easy set-up of four different types of models, of increasing levels of complexity. See for a description of these model types. |
Construct MizerParams object for general multispecies model |
Set up parameters for a community-type model |
Set up parameters for a trait-based model |
Set up parameters for a single-species in a Sheldon power-law background |
Interactively tuning a model |
Launch shiny gadget for tuning parameters |
Designate species as background species |
Add new species |
Tune params object to be at steady state |
Retunes abundance of background species. |
Rescale Abundance |
Rescale System |
Retune reproduction efficiency to maintain initial egg abundances |
Removes species with abundance below a threshold |
Set maximum recruitment |
Setting or changing model parameters |
Set or change any model parameters |
Set predation kernel |
Set search volume |
Set species interaction matrix |
Set maximum intake rate |
Set metabolic rate |
Set background mortality rate |
Set reproduction parameters |
Set fishing parameters |
Set up plankton |
Set initial abundances |
Upgrade MizerParams object from earlier mizer versions |
Remove species from an ecosystem |
Rename species |
Running simulations |
Project size spectrum forward in time |
Analysing results |
Description of summary functions |
Get diet of predator at size, resolved by prey species |
Calculate the total biomass of each species within a size range at each time step. |
Calculate the number of individuals within a size range |
Calculate the SSB of species |
Calculate the total yield of each species |
Calculate the total yield per gear and species |
Get growth curves giving weight as a function of age |
Calculating indicators |
Description of indicator functions |
Calculate the proportion of large fish |
Calculate the slope of the community abundance |
Calculate the mean weight of the community |
Calculate the mean maximum weight of the community |
Plotting results |
Description of the plotting functions |
Plot the biomass of species through time |
Plot diet |
Plot total fishing mortality of each species by size |
Plot the feeding level of species by size |
Plot growth curves giving weight as a function of age |
Alias for plotPredMort |
Summary plot for |
Plot predation mortality rate of each species against size |
Plot the abundance spectra |
Plot the total yield of species through time |
Plot the total yield of each species by gear through time |
Plot the biomass of species against time with plotly |
Plot total fishing mortality of each species by size with plotly |
Plot the feeding level of species by size with plotly |
Plot growth curves giving weight as a function of age with plotly |
Plot predation mortality rate of each species against size with plotly |
Plotly plot of the abundance spectra |
Plot the total yield of species through time with plotly |
Plot the total yield of each species by gear through time with plotly |
Animation of the abundance spectra |
Get data frame of biomass of species through time, ready for ggplot2 |
Get data frame of spawning stock biomass of species through time, ready for ggplot2 |
Display frames |
Calculating rates used in the model |
Get all rates |
Get encounter rate |
Get energy rate available for growth |
Get energy rate available for reproduction |
Get energy rate available for reproduction and growth |
Get the total fishing mortality rate from all fishing gears by time, species and size. |
Get the fishing mortality by time, gear, species and size |
Get feeding level |
Get total mortality rate |
Get predation mortality rate for plankton |
Get total predation mortality rate |
Get predation rate |
Get density dependent rate of larvae production |
Get density independent rate of egg production |
Get predation kernel |
Functions used in the model |
Lognormal predation kernel |
Box predation kernel |
Power-law predation kernel |
Weight based knife-edge selectivity function |
Length based sigmoid selectivity function |
Weight based sigmoidal selectivity function |
Length based double-sigmoid selectivity function |
Project plankton using semichemostat model |
Keep plankton abundance constant |
Beverton Holt stock-recruitment function |
Set the recruitment function for constant recruitment |
Identity stock-recruitment function |
Ricker stock-recruitment function |
Sheperd stock-recruitment function |
Internal helper functions |
Set a species parameter to a default value |
Get default value for h |
Get default value for gamma |
Get default value for ks |
Get values from feeding kernel function |
Helper function to produce nice breaks on logarithmic axes |
Calculate initial population abundances for the community populations |
Determine recruitment rate needed for initial egg abundance |
Classes |
A class to hold the parameters for a size based model. |
A class to hold the results of a simulation |
Constructor for the |
Summarize MizerParams object |
Summarize MizerSim object |
Example parameter sets |
Example MizerParams object for the Central Baltic Sea |
Example MizerParams object for the Barents Sea |
Example MizerParams object for the Benguela current |
Example MizerParams object for the North East US Continental Shelf (NEUSCS) with 24 species. |
Example MizerParams object for the North Sea example |
Example species parameter set based on the North Sea |
Example MizerParams object for the North Sea with 10 species. |
Example species parameter set based on the North Sea with different gears |
Example interaction matrix for the North Sea example |
DeprecatedThese functions are available for backwards compatibility with earlier versions of mizer |
Deprecated obsolete function for setting up multispecies parameters |
Deprecated function for setting up parameters for a community-type model |
Deprecated function for setting up parameters for a trait-based model |
Alias for set_multispecies_model |
Alias for getERepro |
Alias for getPredMort |
Alias for getPlanktonMort |
Alias for getMort |