Get growth curves giving weight as a function of age

getGrowthCurves(object, species, max_age = 20, percentage = FALSE)



MizerSim or MizerParams object. If given a MizerSim object, uses the growth rates at the final time of a simulation to calculate the size at age. If given a MizerParams object, uses the initial growth rates instead.


Name or vector of names of the species to be included. By default all species are included.


The age up to which to run the growth curve. Default is 20.


Boolean value. If TRUE, the size is given as a percentage of the maximal size.


An array (species x age) containing the weight in grams.

See also

Other summary functions: getBiomass(), getDiet(), getN(), getSSB(), getYieldGear(), getYield()


if (FALSE) { data(NS_species_params_gears) data(inter) params <- suppressMessages(newMultispeciesParams(NS_species_params_gears, inter)) getGrowthCurves(params) sim <- project(params, effort=1, t_max = 20, t_save = 2, progress_bar = FALSE) getGrowthCurves(sim, max_age = 24) }