An alias provided for backward compatibility with mizer version <= 1.0

getM2(object, n, n_pp, n_other, pred_rate, time_range, drop = TRUE)



An array of predation rates of dimension no. sp x no. community size bins x no. of size bins in whole spectra (i.e. community + plankton, the w_full slot). The array is optional. If it is not provided it is calculated by the getPredRate function.


If a MizerParams object is passed in, the function returns a two dimensional array (prey species x prey size) based on the abundances also passed in. If a MizerSim object is passed in, the function returns a three dimensional array (time step x prey species x prey size) with the predation mortality calculated at every time step in the simulation. Dimensions may be dropped if they have length 1 unless `drop = FALSE`.

See also


if (FALSE) { data(NS_species_params_gears) data(inter) params <- newMultispeciesParams(NS_species_params_gears, inter) # With constant fishing effort for all gears for 20 time steps sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5) # Get predation mortality at one time step n <- sim@n[21,,] n_pp <- sim@n_pp[21,] getPredMort(params,n,n_pp) # Get predation mortality at all saved time steps getPredMort(sim) # Get predation mortality over the time 15 - 20 getPredMort(sim, time_range = c(15,20)) }