Mizer provides a range of functions to summarise the results of a simulation.


A list of available summary functions is given in the table below.

getDietThree dimensional array (predator x size x prey)Diet of predator at size, resolved by prey species
getSSBTwo dimensional array (time x species)Total Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) of each species through time where SSB is calculated as the sum of weight of all mature individuals.
getBiomassTwo dimensional array (time x species)Total biomass of each species through time.
getNTwo dimensional array (time x species)Total abundance of each species through time.
getFeedingLevelThree dimensional array (time x species x size)Feeding level of each species by size through time.
getM2Three dimensional array (time x species x size)The predation mortality imposed on each species by size through time.
getFMortThree dimensional array (time x species x size)Total fishing mortality on each species by size through time.
getFMortGearFour dimensional array (time x gear x species x size)Fishing mortality on each species by each gear at size through time.
getYieldGearThree dimensional array (time x gear x species)Total yield by gear and species through time.
getYieldTwo dimensional array (time x species)Total yield of each species across all gears through time.

See also