Calculates the total fishing mortality (in units 1/year) from all gears by species and size at each time step in the effort argument. The total fishing mortality is just the sum of the fishing mortalities imposed by each gear, \(\mu_{f.i}(w)=\sum_g F_{g,i,w}\).

getFMort(object, effort, time_range, drop = TRUE)



A MizerParams object or a MizerSim object


The effort of each fishing gear. Only needed if the object argument is of class MizerParams. See notes below.


Subset the returned fishing mortalities by time. The time range is either a vector of values, a vector of min and max time, or a single value. Default is the whole time range. Only used if the object argument is of type MizerSim.


Only used when object is of type MizerSim. Should dimensions of length 1 be dropped, e.g. if your community only has one species it might make presentation of results easier. Default is TRUE


An array. If the effort argument has a time dimension, or object is of class MizerSim, the output array has three dimensions (time x species x size). If the effort argument does not have a time dimension, the output array has two dimensions (species x size).


Here: fishing mortality = catchability x selectivity x effort.

The effort argument is only used if a MizerParams object is passed in. The effort argument can be a two dimensional array (time x gear), a vector of length equal to the number of gears (each gear has a different effort that is constant in time), or a single numeric value (each gear has the same effort that is constant in time). The order of gears in the effort argument must be the same the same as in the MizerParams object.

If the object argument is of class MizerSim then the effort slot of the MizerSim object is used and the effort argument is not used.

See also


if (FALSE) { data(NS_species_params_gears) data(inter) params <- newMultispeciesParams(NS_species_params_gears, inter) # Get the total fishing mortality when effort is constant for all # gears and time: getFMort(params, effort = 1) # Get the total fishing mortality when effort is different # between the four gears but constant in time: getFMort(params, effort = c(0.5,1,1.5,0.75)) # Get the total fishing mortality when effort is different # between the four gears and changes with time: effort <- array(NA, dim = c(20,4)) effort[,1] <- seq(from=0, to = 1, length=20) effort[,2] <- seq(from=1, to = 0.5, length=20) effort[,3] <- seq(from=1, to = 2, length=20) effort[,4] <- seq(from=2, to = 1, length=20) getFMort(params, effort=effort) # Get the total fishing mortality using the effort already held in a # MizerSim object. sim <- project(params, t_max = 20, effort = 0.5) getFMort(sim) getFMort(sim, time_range = c(10,20)) }