Mizer provides a range of plotting functions for visualising the results of running a simulation, stored in a MizerSim object, or the initial state stored in a MizerParams object. Every plotting function exists in two versions, plotSomething and plotlySomething. The plotly version is more interactive but not suitable for inclusion in documents.


This table shows the available plotting functions.

plotBiomassPlots the total biomass of each species through time. A time range to be plotted can be specified. The size range of the community can be specified in the same way as for getBiomass.
plotSpectraPlots the abundance (biomass or numbers) spectra of each species and the background community. It is possible to specify a minimum size which is useful for truncating the plot.
plotFeedingLevelPlots the feeding level of each species against size.
plotPredMortPlots the predation mortality of each species against size.
plotFMortPlots the total fishing mortality of each species against size.
plotYieldPlots the total yield of each species across all fishing gears against time.
plotYieldGearPlots the total yield of each species by gear against time.
plotProduces 5 plots (plotFeedingLevel, plotBiomass, plotPredMort, plotFMort and plotSpectra) in the same window as a summary.

These functions use the ggplot2 package and return the plot as a ggplot object. This means that you can manipulate the plot further after its creation using the ggplot grammar of graphics. The corresponding function names with plot replaced by plotly produce interactive plots with the help of the plotly package.

While most plot functions take their data from a MizerSim object, some of those that make plots representing data at a single time can also take their data from the initial values in a MizerParams object.

Where plots show results for species, the line colour and line type for each species are specified by the linecolour and linetype slots in the MizerParams object. These were either taken from a default palette hard-coded into emptyParams or they were specified by the user in the species parameters dataframe used to set up the MizerParams object. The linecolour and linetype slots hold named vectors, named by the species. They can be overwritten by the user at any time.

Most plots allow the user to select to show only a subset of species, specified as a vector in the species argument to the plot function.

The ordering of the species in the legend is the same as the ordering in the species parameter data frame.

Sometimes one wants to show two plots side-by-side with the same axes and the same legend. This is made possible for some of the plots via the displayFrames function.

See also


# Set up example MizerParams and MizerSim objects data(NS_species_params_gears) data(inter) params <- suppressMessages(newMultispeciesParams(NS_species_params_gears, inter)) sim <- project(params, effort=1, t_max=20, t_save = 2, progress_bar = FALSE) # Some example plots plotFeedingLevel(sim)
# Plotting only a subset of species plotFeedingLevel(sim, species = c("Cod", "Herring"))
# Specifying new colours and linetypes for some species sim@params@linetype["Cod"] <- "solid" sim@params@linecolour["Cod"] <- "red" plotFeedingLevel(sim, species = c("Cod", "Herring"))
# Manipulating the plot library(ggplot2) p <- plotFeedingLevel(sim) p <- p + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0.7)) p <- p + theme_bw() p