Calculates starvation mortality based on the equation in the original mizer vignette. Starvation mortality is proportional to the energy deficiency and is inversely proportional to body weight (and therefore also lipid reserves). \(\mu_s(w)\) The weight proportionality constant is currently set to 0.1, but could be a separate parameter. The 0.1 constant means that the instantaneous starvation mortality is 1 when energy deficit is equal individual's body mass.

  n = params@initial_n,
  n_pp = params@initial_n_pp,
  n_other = params@initial_n_other,
  e = getEReproAndGrowth(params, n = n, n_pp = n_pp, n_other)



The energy available for reproduction and growth (optional). A matrix of size no. species x no. size bins. If not supplied, is calculated internally using the getEReproAndGrowth() method.


A two dimensional array of instantaneous starvation mortality (species x size).


The default value of starv_coef is 10, which scales how energy intake deficit (e) translates to starvation mortality. When instantaneous energy intake rate deficit per year is 10 instantaneous starvation mortality rate of 1/year, i.e. an average individual can survive for about a year. If starv_coef = 0, there is no starvation mortality and negative intake just gets converted to 0 (there is no cost to having negative energy intake, which is unrealistic!). If starv_coef = 20, the cost of negative intake increases, and 10 deficit will lead to instantaneous starvation mortality of 2/year.

See also