Plot density-independent reproduction rate over time
species = NULL,
total = FALSE,
log = FALSE,
highlight = NULL,
return_data = FALSE,
- sim
An object of class MizerSim
- sim2
An optional second object of class MizerSim. If this is provided its RDIs will be shown on the same plot in bolder lines.
- species
The species to be selected. Optional. By default all target species are selected. A vector of species names, or a numeric vector with the species indices, or a logical vector indicating for each species whether it is to be selected (TRUE) or not.
- total
A boolean value that determines whether the total over all species in the system is plotted as well. Note that even if the plot only shows a selection of species, the total is including all species. Default is FALSE.
- log
Boolean whether RDI should be plotted on a logarithmic axis. Defaults to true.
- highlight
Name or vector of names of the species to be highlighted.
- return_data
A boolean value that determines whether the formatted data used for the plot is returned instead of the plot itself. Default value is FALSE
- ...
Other arguments (currently unused)
A ggplot2 object, unless return_data = TRUE, in which case a data frame with the three variables 'Year', 'RDI', 'Species' is returned.
See also
Other plotting functions: