13  Velocity potential, stream function, and complex potential

In this section we will develop a powerful method that provides us an unlimited supply of two dimensional incompressible and irrotational flows and hence solutions of the Euler equations. This will make clever use of complex analysis.

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In the discussions in this lecture the time variable does not play a role, so we neglect to write it in all equations. But everything is allowed to have a time dependence.

13.1 Velocity potential

Consider an irrotational flow, so that \(\underline{\nabla}\times\underline{u}=\underline{0}\). Then you know from Vector Calculus that there is a scalar function \(\phi\) so that \(\underline{u} = \underline{\nabla}\phi\). This \(\phi\) is called the velocity potential.

Definition 13.1 The velocity potential of an irrotational flow is a function \(\phi\) such that \[ \underline{u} = \underline{\nabla}\phi. \tag{13.1}\]

As you know from Vector Calculus, the velocity potential can be obtained from a line integral: \[ \phi(\underline{x})=\int_{\underline{0}}^{\underline{x}}\underline{u}(\tilde{\underline{x}})\cdot d\tilde{\underline{x}}. \tag{13.2}\]

Here we chose the origin \(\underline{0}\) of our coordinate system as the starting point of the line integral. But we could have chosen any other starting point. A change in the starting point only leads to a change in \(\phi\) by a constant and such a constant does not contribute to the gradient of \(\phi\).

If the domain in which the velocity field \(\underline{u}\) is defined is not simply connected, then \(\phi\) may be multi-valued. We will see an example of that later in Section 14.2, but first we will look at a simple example to make sure we understand the line integral.

Example 13.1 Show that the velocity field, given by \[ \underline{u}=(ax+by,bx+cy, -(a+c)z) \tag{13.3}\] (where \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) are constants), represents an irrotational flow and find the velocity potential.

Solution. First we check whether the flow is irrotational by calculating the vorticity \[\begin{split} \underline{\nabla}\times\underline{u}&=(\partial_yu_z-\partial_zu_y,\partial_zu_x-\partial_xu_z,\partial_xu_y-\partial_yu_x)\\ &=(0,0,b-b)=\underline{0}. \end{split} \tag{13.4}\]

Then, to calculate \[ \phi(\underline{x})=\int_{\underline{0}}^{\underline{x}} \underline{u}(\tilde{\underline{x}})\cdot d\tilde{\underline{x}}. \tag{13.5}\] we choose the contour that consists of three straight lines: it starts from \((0,0,0)\) and goes along the \(x\) axis to \((x,0,0)\), then goes straight to \((x,y,0)\) and then from there straight to \((x,y,z)\). This splits the integral into three bits: \[\begin{split} \phi(\underline{x})&=\int_0^x u_x(\tilde{x},0,0)\,d\tilde x+\int_0^y u_y(x,\tilde{y},0)\,d\tilde y+\int_0^z u_y(x,y,\tilde{z})\,d\tilde z\\ &=\int_0^x a\tilde{x}\,d\tilde x+\int_0^y (bx+c\tilde{y})\,d\tilde y-\int_0^z (a+c)\tilde z\,d\tilde z\\ &=\frac{a}{2}x^2+bxy+\frac{c}{2}y^2-\frac{a+c}{2}z^2. \end{split} \tag{13.6}\]

Alternatively, and equivalently, we can find \(\phi\) by solving the component differential equations contained in \(\underline{u}=\underline{\nabla} \phi\): \[ \left\{\begin{array}{l} ax+by = \partial_x\phi, \\ bx+cy = \partial_y\phi, \\ -(a+c)z = \partial_z\phi, \end{array}\right. \quad \Rightarrow \quad \left\{\begin{array}{l} \phi= \frac{a}{2}x^2 + bxy+ f(y,z), \\ \phi= bxy+\frac{c}{2}y^2 + g(x,z), \\ \phi= - \frac{a+c}{2} z^2+ h(x,y) \end{array}\right. \tag{13.7}\] The last three equations must represent the same function. Therefore, \[ \phi=\frac{a}{2}x^2+bxy+\frac{c}{2}y^2-\frac{a+c}{2}z^2 + \text{ constant}. \tag{13.8}\]

13.2 Stream function

Consider an incompressible, two-dimensional flow, so \(\underline{\nabla}\cdot\underline{u}=\underline{0}\) and \(\underline{u}(\underline{x})=(u_x(x,y),u_y(x,y),0)\). Then we can write this in terms of a scalar function \(\psi(x,y)\) as follows: \[ \underline{u}=\underline{\nabla}\times(\psi\,\underline{e}_z)=(\partial_y\psi,-\partial_x\psi,0). \tag{13.9}\] It is easy to check that this always gives an incompressible flow: \[ \underline{\nabla}\cdot\underline{u}=\partial_xu_x+\partial_yu_y=\partial_x\partial_y\psi-\partial_y\partial_x\psi=0. \tag{13.10}\] The function \(\psi\) is known as the stream function.

Definition 13.2 The stream function of an incompressible two-dimensional flow is a function \(\psi\) such that \[ \underline{u}=\underline{\nabla}\times(\psi\,\underline{e}_z). \tag{13.11}\]

The reason for the name lies in the following useful fact:

A stream function is constant along streamlines.

To check this fact we calculate the derivative of \(\psi\) in the direction of a streamline, i.e., in the direction of the velocity field (recall that the velocity field is tangent to the streamlines). \[ \underline{u}\cdot\underline{\nabla}\psi=u_x\partial_x\psi+u_y\partial_y\psi=u_x(-u_y)+u_yu_x=0. \tag{13.12}\] Thus the stream function gives an easy way to obtain streamlines: they are the lines along which the stream function is constant.

We can find \(\psi\) from the following two-dimensional line integral: \[ \psi(x,y)=\int_{(0,0)}^{(x,y)}(-u_y,u_x)\cdot d\underline{x}. \tag{13.13}\]

Again it does not matter where we start the line integral because that only changes the integral by a constant that does not affect the velocity field.

Example 13.2 Consider the velocity field \(\underline{u}=(ax,-ay,0)\) that you have met before in your homework and that we know is irrotational. We can obtain its stream function from the line integral in Eq. 13.13 : \[\begin{split} \psi(x,y) &=\int_0^x(-u_y(\tilde{x},0))d\tilde{x}+\int_0^yu_x(x,\tilde{y})d\tilde{y}\\ &=\int_0^x0\,d\tilde{x}+\int_0^yax\,d\tilde{y}=axy. \end{split} \tag{13.14}\] The streamlines are the lines along which \(\psi(x,y)=c\) for some constant \(c\). Here this gives \(axy=c\) and hence \[ y=\frac{c}{a}\frac{1}{x}. \tag{13.15}\] So the stream lines are hyperbolas, as you already determined in a different way in the homework.

13.3 Complex potential

Now we consider flows \(\underline{u}\) that are irrotational and incompressible and two-dimensional, so they can be described by both a velocity potential \(\phi\) as \(\underline{u}=\underline{\nabla}\phi\) and by a stream function \(\psi\) as \(\underline{u}=\underline{\nabla}\times(\psi\underline{e}_x)\). In components this gives \[\begin{split} u_x&=\partial_x\phi=\partial_y\psi,\\ u_y&=\partial_y\phi=-\partial_x\psi. \end{split} \tag{13.16}\] You will recognise these as the Cauchy-Riemann equations. They tell us that the function \(w=\phi+i\psi\) is a holomorphic function of \(z=x+iy\). This function is known as the complex potential.

Definition 13.3 The complex potential of an irrotational, incompressible two-dimensional flow with velocity potential \(\phi\) and stream function \(\psi\) is the complex-valued function \[ w(\underline{x},t)=\phi(\underline{x},t)+i\psi(\underline{x},t). \tag{13.17}\]

Note that here we are identifying the \(x-y\) plane with the complex plane and use \(z\) to denote the complex number in that plane. This has nothing to do with the \(z\) coordinate that we used when discussing 3-dimensional flows. While in general it is a bad idea to use the same letter in the same module for different things, it is just so conventional to use the letter \(z\) both for the third Cartesian coordinate as well as for complex numbers that it is excusable in this case.

To extract the velocity field from the complex potential, we just need to differentiate: \[\begin{split} \frac{dw}{dz} &= \partial_x w= \partial_x (\phi+i\psi)\\ &=\partial_x\phi+i\partial_x\psi=u_x-iu_y. \end{split} \tag{13.18}\] If you are wondering why \(dw/dz = \partial_x w\), remind yourself of what is special about holomorphic functions: The derivative at any point does not depend on the direction from which we approach the point.

So we can extract the velocity components from the real and imaginary parts of the derivative of the complex potential:

\[ u_x = \operatorname{Re}\frac{dw}{dz},~~u_y = -\operatorname{Im}\frac{dw}{dz}. \tag{13.19}\]

It is now easy to come up with examples of fluid flows, because we can simply choose any homomorphic function for our complex potential.

Any holomorphic function gives us a solution of Euler’s equations, because any holomorphic function can be used as a complex potential describing an incompressible irrotational two-dimensional flow. Such a flow solves Euler’s equations.

To see this we start with Euler’s equation in the form given in Eq. 12.7 : \[ \partial_t \underline{u}+(\underline{\nabla}\times\underline{u})\times\underline{u}=-\underline{\nabla}\left(\frac{p}{\rho}+\frac{u^2}2+\chi\right), \tag{13.20}\] where \(\chi\) is the gravitational potential. For our irrotational flow the vorticity \(\underline{\nabla}\times\underline{u}\) vanishes. Substituting \(\underline{u}=\underline{\nabla}\phi\) on the left-hand side and moving the time derivative through the gradient we obtain \[ \underline{\nabla}(\partial_t \phi)=-\underline{\nabla}\left(\frac{p}{\rho}+\frac{u^2}2+\chi\right), \tag{13.21}\] This equation is satisfied if the pressure is given by

\[ p=-\rho\left(\partial_t\phi +\frac{u^2}2+\chi \right) + \text{ constant}. \tag{13.22}\]

Example 13.3 Consider the complex potential \[ w(z)=\frac{a}{2}z^2=\frac{a}{2}(x+iy)^2=\frac{a}{2}(x^2-y^2)+i axy=\phi+i\psi. \tag{13.23}\] We recognise the stream function \(\psi=axy\) to be the one for the stagnation flow in Example 13.2. We obtain the velocity field from the derivative of the complex potential: \[ \frac{dw}{dz} = az=ax+iay, \tag{13.24}\] so \(u_x=ax\) and \(u_y=-ay\), which again agrees with Example 13.2.

Example 13.4 Consider the complex potential \[ w(z)=ae^{i\alpha}z, \tag{13.25}\] so that the derivative is just \[ \frac{dw}{dz} = ae^{i\alpha}=a(\cos\alpha+i\sin\alpha) \tag{13.26}\] from which we can read off that \(u_x=a\cos\alpha\) and \(u_y=-a\sin\alpha\). This is a constant flow at an angle \(-\alpha\) to the horizontal.